New 2008! - The English edition "System Therapy of macular degeneration"

(ISBN 978- 3 - 00 - 023778-2) 200 pages,
( 25,- Euro plus shipping & handling)
bookshop of the MDA :
Buchservice des BV MD, Weinweg 7, 93049 Regensburg / Germany



"System Therapy of Macular Degeneration"


by Dr. N. Sradj,



5th edition 2012 ISBN 978-3-00-037558-3
gives information to patients, their relatives, doctors and health insurances (including statistics and scientific bases) about the different therapeutical approaches as well as the trends in research in Germany and other countries and also about the acitivites of the MDA , a registered association.
The book is available in bookstores (Germany) for 25,- Euro or you can get it at the bookshop of the MDA :
Buchservice des BV MD, Weinweg 7, 93049 Regensburg / Germany ( 25,- Euro plus shipping & handling).